Well I must say alot has happened in our lives and the people around ours since my last post. (I will admit I am not very good at this blogging thing). I guess first and foremost our house is getting a little emptier. We have become empty nesters. Yep the three biggies have all moved out. If you know us you know that we are not really empty nesters. The two littles are still here!!! Michael moved into an apartment with (you are not gonna believe this) but his big brother. I must say it is shocking to see them live together in an apartment when they could not share a room! I really am thrilled for them. So exciting to be on your own for the first time, well until the first months rent is due! Chris has been on his own for about 2 years but this is Michaels first time out of the house. He is ready. He is working full time now and will be returning to college in the winter. Because Michael has moved out I am proud to say that after 4 years, Emma is getting her own room. She has had two roommates the last 4 years. Her Dad and I! I am not sure how I feel about not seeing that sweet face in the middle of the night. I am excited for her though. The room is going to be a beautiful little girls room. Princesses and all. I have a young woman I work with that is a beautiful artist and she will be painting a few favorite princesses and the castle on the wall.
I have done some reflecting on my life and past in the last month or so. Went on a woman's retreat in October to a beautiful "camp" in Williams AZ. Camp is in quotes because I use that term loosely. It is beautiful and you would think you would go up there and giggle and eat chocolate and fun with the girlfriends. Oh don't get me wrong we did that but there was some serious issues that I needed to and continue to need to deal with in my life. I have a major trust issue. Which leads to a major control freak issue. Ask my family they know that it has been there all along. With prayer from these wonderful Godly women I am allowing God to work on me. It is a daily struggle but God is faithful and God is enough. Love you ladies.
Last week our sweet Emma turned 4! I cannot believe it. How could the time fly by so fast? I should know this happens, it already happened with the first 3. We went to Disneyland!!!! Emma got to go to the Bibbiddi Bobbitti Bootique. WOW it was such a great experience. Makeup, hair, crown, jewels, fairy dust, princess wave and all. What a great time. This time her big sister got to go with us. What a blessing. We also were blessed to get to take our sweet grandson, Brayden to Disneyland for the first time. What a great time.
A new, but quickly becoming old friend is living through a health crisis with her little baby girl who just happens to have 47 chromosomes. I weep for her and baby A. To watch the grace that this woman has during a huge upheavel not only in her baby girls life but in their families life is truly inspirational to me. I ask God daily how can I show her love and to show me how to help. Pray for this family. You don't need to know their names to ask our Gracious Father to watch over them and provide peace to this family.
Peace to all who read this. Enjoy some of the sweet pictures of my amazingly beautiful family and friends.