Monday, October 6, 2008

And still more

So my friends took great care of me and Emma and we made our way home after a few bumps in the road. Like Emma getting jaundice in the hospital (usually doesn't happen that fast) and needing to be put under lights. She looked so much like a super hero with her mask on.

After getting home from the hospital and a few cardiology visits due to a heart murmur, we received the news on October 16th from our friend that Emma in fact had Down syndrome. I will tell you that I held out hope that she did not and I must say that you could have knocked me over when he said those words. I was so not expecting them. I thought all was well. She did not have classic features. Just a few that seemed very mild. But that is what he said. I cried and cried. I blamed myself. I did not want to do this to our daughter. To cause her life to be hard.

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